Tayid Lighthouse!!
The scenery is just jaw-dropping!!
Built in 2000, the hexagonal lighthouse that's facing the Pacific Ocean
gives a great view of Batan and its surroundings.
It's is privately owned but guests can go near the lighthouse for free.
Just be careful not to step on the grounds that might destroy the lush grassland.
*There's a "pavement" that one can use instead on stepping on the grass.

Oh, by the way,
the cow below is not as healthy as it looked.
According to kuya Toto, one of his legs was injured,
Which made him less active and fragile.
Even so, this cow isn't scared of people.
He's used to having his photos taken. :D
He just busied himself munching the pasture while we took the photo.
Slowly walking away.
Hating every bit of it.
But we must go.
Thank you so much, Tayid!!!
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